
Radio Interview (Matenaer on Air May 30th 2024):

Madison artist Doug Haynes discusses his creative life!

Interview: Doug E. L. Haynes, “100 Sketches of George L. Mosse Humanities”

Humanities: Do you love it or hate it?

State Street becomes a coloring book

Madison artist's adult coloring book invites you to make State Street your own -Rob Thomas, Capitol Times

Charlie Berens has permission to color outside the lines!

"This is pretty darn cool!! - Michelle Baik NBC15

"The book looks awesome!" - Alex

"Thanks for the coloring book. I spent the rest of my walk flipping through it and am very excited. It’ll be hard to convince myself to color in it cause the artwork looks so nice! I’ve got a few artist friends I’m going to show the book to who I think will find it really neat." - Ryan

"I have seen the galleys for this book and am looking forward to having one of my own!" -Peggy

"My advance copy has afforded much pleasure, and continues to provide. Skilled, clever, and sweetly humorous. GOOD JOB! (Are the original drawings also for sale?) Thanks and congratulations!" - Chuck

"Hi friends!
Some of you might know my dad, Doug E. L. Haynes, and if you do, you know what a talented and hard-working artist he is; amongst many other things. This past year, he sat on the State Street intersection of State/Henry/Johnson and completed many sketches. Those beautiful sketches, accompanied by wonderful poems, essays, and songs, were compiled to create a coloring book! He has worked tirelessly and boldly to make something to share and exhibit his efforts. If you or someone you know is interested in purchasing one or just checking it out, please visit" - Hyunji